January Update

Guitar Project Status

Progress continues to be made and we are close to reaching a major milestone, but I also needed to remind myself to keep the priorities and goals in mind. For more details, see the OFMG guitar page.

I’m looking into better ways to communicate with the guitar testers (as well as anyone else interested) — email just isn’t cutting it and I’m thinking of setting up a Discord server for this purpose. If you have any ideas on this please let me know.

Strum Fix, Fret Fix Stock, Production Status

The holidays and weather did their best to mess with our production of Strum Fixes, Fret Fixes and other products and while we had a few temporary shortages, for the most part it’s gone pretty smoothly.

There are still a lot of unknowns when it comes to tariffs/taxes and we’ve taken some steps to mitigate the impact if/when they happen, but I really wish I didn’t have to spend any time and money on this — I’ve got my hands full already and some things are out of our control.


Even in these uncertain times (and maybe especially in times like this) it’s important to remember that we are all just trying to make our way through, and while the news and media is always highlighting everything that’s wrong, you need to remember all that is right in the world and remind yourself of how lucky you are. I’m particularly grateful for:

  • Having such loyal and kind customers.

  • Living in a time when amazing technologies like 3D printing and amazing software tools like AI-assistants are available.

  • Anyone that contributes to open-source projects, especially the “slicer” software that has made 3D printing accessible to almost anyone.

  • Getting time with family over the holidays and for the great snow for skiing.

Thank you,

-Scott P (owner, Byte Arts)