Technical details and information about the Strum Fix Plus 3 (SFP3).
Strum Fix Plus 3 Product Info
You can order the SFP3 on our store.
The Strum Fix Plus 3 (SFP3) is a replacement strummer assembly for Rock Band guitars that features a light, reliable, silent, and fast strum bar action. It is designed to have a feel similar to a Guitar Hero guitar, but quieter and requiring less force to activate.
Guitar Compatibility and Installation
Installation and compatibility is the same as the Strum Fix Plus 2 and Strum Fix Plus 4, requiring you to open up the guitar and connect a pair of wires. No soldering is required.
Strum Fix Plus 3 (SFP3) vs Strum Fix Plus 2 (SFP2) and the Strum Fix Plus 4 (SFP4) - What’s the difference?
SFP3 has longer travel strum bar, with a higher profile that sticks up a little further.
SFP3 has lighter action (less force required to activate switches).
SFP3 quickly returns to the center position when the strum bar is released.
SFP4 uses mechanical switches like the SFP3, but has slightly shorter travel and more powerful “return to center” action.
While the feel of the strum bar is subjective, the way I would describe it that you use more of ‘flip’ or ‘flick’ gesture than a ‘press’ to strum the SFP3. The SFP3 strum bar has a bit more travel than the SFP2, but the switches activate well before the strum bar is fully rotated down or up. In the SFP2 the switches have less travel and activate just as the strum bar is fully rotated up against the hard stops. The SFP4 has a little less travel than the SFP3, but stronger centering action due to having 4 switches instead of 2.
TheGlitched64 on YouTube has done a detailed breakdown of the differences between the SFP2 and 3, you can watch that here.
CAD Files
These files can be used to print your own replacement parts, or make a new strum bar in whatever color you want. These parts have been designed for printing on a FDM 3D printer.
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